CHRISTMAS TIME, BABY! Raise your hand if you L O V E this time of year! I’ve always loved Christmas, the festivities, and allll the fun Christmas traditions. I feel like as we get older, it can be even harder to get into the “Christmas Spirit” with work, family stuff, life stuff, and lack of imagination. To kick that boring-ness in the bootay, here is a fun Christmas Bucket List to get you in the ho-ho-holiday spirit!

- Bake Christmas Cookies: are you a sugar cookie or gingerbread lover?
- Look at Christmas lights: grab your hot cocoa and drive around the cutest neighborhoods.
- Go see a Christmas Movie: a lot of movie theaters play old Christmas movies during this season. For some reason, movies are always better on the big screen!
- Decorate! If you haven’t already, be sure to decorate your space. Even if you only have a small space, decorate! Decorate your office/cubicle, car…whatever makes you jolly!
- Go Christmas Shopping: I know, the crowds can be massive. Try going early in the morning to beat the craziness.
- Go to a local Christmas Festival: In most towns, there is always some sort of tree lighting ceremony, cute decorations downtown, or a chance to meet with Santa!
- Wrap Presents: Putting on Christmas music and wrapping all your presents is super festive. You’re Santa’s little Elf!
- Make your own Christmas latte: We all know I love Starbucks, but creating your own festive latte is super fun and cozy!
- Watch Hallmark Movies: does anyone truly not like these? They’re so corny but…I think we all need that every now and then. They truly put you in the loving Christmas spirit!
- Get your nails done: Say GOODBYE to boring nails and do something fun. Whether you do it at home or at a salon, do something fun on your nails.
- Grab coffee/lunch with someone you don’t see much: This is so needed! Catch up with someone out of town or a new face.
- Make an ornament: even if you aren’t that crafty, this is so fun! You can be simple and just put stickers on an ornament, or be super creative and use felt to create your own!
- Sip on hot chocolate by the fire: ultimate cozy goals!! Even if you don’t have a fireplace, you can pop on the Fireplace show on Netflix..haha!
- Donate a Toy: I love this so much. There are so many charities out there for children this time of year and it makes it all so magical. We often spend, spend, spend on friends and forget those in need! I love Operation Christmas Child where you stuff as much as you can into a shoe box for a child!
- Read a Christmas picture book: My sister and I love doing this…we have so many! Read Christmas picture books to get into the holiday spirit.
- Get dressed up and attend a Christmas party: even if you don’t know of any parties (like me) getting dressed up is SO fun. Try hosting your own small get-together!
- Advent Calendar! Either buy one or make one yourself. This is such a fun thing to do every morning leading up to Christmas.
- Take a family Christmas photo: Even if you don’t want to send it to anyone, these are memories that will last a lifetime. Get your self-timer ready and snap some fun and festive pics!
- Send out Christmas cards: No, they don’t have to be fancy! But sending a little note of love to your friends and family sure does go a long way!
- Have a Family/Friends game night with Christmas music: Christmas is about spending time with loved ones….nothing brings people together like game night..right?! Pop on some Christmas music and you’re all set!
- Pray for someone different every day: Make a prayer log in a journal and specifically pray for someone different every single day! This helps you be more intentional and really focus on your person.
- Do a random act of kindness: pay for someone’s coffee, open the door for someone, get creative!
- Wear a tacky Christmas sweater: Do it. No shame. Everyone LOVES it.
- Start a new family tradition: Traditions are so fun, right?! Try starting something new this year….let’s see how long it sticks!
- Attend Christmas Eve service at church: After all, Jesus is the true reason even celebrate CHRISTmas!
Print this list out, check it twice, and I hope you have a super jolly Christmas this year! If you participate, tag me on Instagram so I can see and share!