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Connecting with God || How I re-center

Let’s be real honest here; some days are better than others. Wait no, real honest: some weeks/months are better than others.

I did not grow up a traditional “Christian”. In fact, I didn’t truly start going to church until I was 16 and could drive. My family and I went when we were around 5, but stopped going shortly after we moved to Texas. I didn’t have a Prayer Life, I didn’t even own a Bible. All I knew about God was that he was some figure we talked about in Vacation Bible School when I was little.

Once I turned 16, I just kept feeling this calling to go to church. To see what it is all about. Growing up in the Bible Belt, most of my friends were either Christians or at least knew who God was. I wanted to know more about that. If so many people are following God, I wanted to know WHY.

Long story short, I went to church, ended up getting Saved, and haven’t looked back since. My faith even moved me to want to go to Baylor for school. I had never even heard of, much less considered, going to Baylor until the middle of my senior year. I just felt so “behind” in my faith. It seemed like all of my other Christian friends knew so much, looked so good, and had a good idea of how life with Jesus worked. I felt clueless. I couldn’t quote Bible verses, I didn’t know all the kid songs you learned on Sunday Mornings, and I definitely didn’t have all the answers. Baylor seemed like the best way to learn!

Going to Baylor was one of my best decisions, and I don’t credit myself to that plan. God definitely lead me to Waco, TX. I met some of the most impactful friends and mentors while there, had an amazing experience on the dance team, and met my man.

While at Baylor, I struggled fitting in with most groups. Yes, I was friends with everyone. But part of me was so ashamed. I was surrounded by people who knew SO much about God. They grew up in a Christian community, they have been on countless mission trips, and they were baptized when they were 8. I felt so NEW to everything. I started falling down this tunnel called “Climbing the Ladder”. I felt that if I could only memorize more scripture, pray longer, pray more often, read my Bible daily, take amazing notes at Church, and be in every small group possible, THEN I would truly fit in and KNOW God.

Well, as always, that did not really work. I failed more times than not. While doing all of those activities does draw you closer to Jesus, if your mind is not centered, they become a daily to-do list (even an idol) and not a passion.

I have been asked this question multiple times on Instagram, but I’ve never truly shared my experience with it until now. Maybe it is a God thing, but this question just KEEPS popping up! I’ve always been a little insecure about my faith because I don’t have some crazy, wild story for a testimony. I don’t have the entire Bible memorized. I like fashion. I would rather go to the Dance Studio than bake 100 cookies for the family. In every way, I didn’t feel like I could ever possibly fit into this culture. But, God keeps calling.

So, how do you re-center yourself?

If my story leaves you with anything, I hope it is this: God wants you JUST as you are. WHERE you are. WHO you are. There is no Christian Mold. We are all sinners. We all have strengths. We all have weaknesses. We are all loved by God.

Once that is finalized, finding moments in your day to re-center and worship God become SO much easier. Instead of feeling guilty for coming to the table or awkward/ashamed, you are now excited to be with God! Setting your mind right about who YOU are and who God is will truly help any funk you might be in. I know it helps me constantly. I have to continuously remind myself that God designed me a certain way. That God has a plan for ME and that God has me exactly where He wants me to be. It may not be what John and Janet are doing, but it is what God wants ME to do. Truly listening to God in your life will remove any barriers your own self-doubt produces.

1. Wake up Mindful

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Instagram? Pinterest? Facebook? I am so guilty of waking up and instantly grabbing my phone and checking instagram. For some reason, I feel like if I don’t reply to those comments first thing in the morning, all will be lost. OF COURSE that is the farthest thing from the truth.

I challenge you to wake up and get out of bed and start your day. No social media. Take a few moments to reflect, thank God, and pray. This is a great time to do a mini Bible Study too. Time permitting, you can either do a Bible Study or even something as simple as a daily devotional. This just helps re-center your mind on what is important.

I normally try to workout in the mornings, so I roll out of bed and go to the gym. That drive to and from the gym is my favorite time to chat with God. No one is around…it’s just me and Him.

2. Focus on your Purpose

So often we can just get into a routine of the same old boring stuff every day. Wake up, work out, go to work, do work things, come home, eat, pass out. Sound familiar?

BUT, when we focus on our purpose, life becomes way more intentional. What is your purpose/passion? If you don’t know, simply ask God. He will show you. Be patient, sometimes it takes some time..haha.

3. Detox

Sometimes, a little detox is completely necessary. That can be a detox from a number of things. Social media, your phone, a certain friend, the list goes on. I know this can sound a little harsh, but sometimes you need to delete a few things to find your focus again. For example, I love YOU ALL, but if my blog ever makes you feel less than, do not read it. I want my blog and instagram to be a space for creativity, encouragement, and inspiration.

4. Make your Sunday meaningful

While Sunday is the Day of Rest, what does that exactly mean?

I love spending my Sunday re-centering myself. For me, that means church, cleaning my room, doing my laundry, writing in my planner, and doing some form of a Bible Study. Starting my week off on the right track and with the right intention makes the biggest impact on me!

What are some things you do to re-center? Drop a comment so we can help and inspire each other!!

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