Fitness Friday

Happy Friday everyone! Recently, I have been getting a lot of questions, DMS, comments, etc., about fitness related topics. Whether that is health and nutrition, fitness guides, workout clothes…really anything in between! Because fitness and health are such vital parts of my life and topics I am really interested in, I have decided to dedicate a new series on my blog called Fitness Friday!

If you remember back to August when I did my Keeping up with Kelly series, this will be very similar. I already have a few topics I am going to be talking about, but I would love to hear what y’all want to read about!

Additionally, I am going to be working on a FREE nutrition plan for us! I will be testing it out first & then sharing my results with y’all. If I like what it does, I will then share the plan with you all and we can work on it together. Again, it will be COMPLETELY free! Who doesn’t love free stuff? So, be sure to stay up to date with my on my blog and instagram to see what that meal plan launches. Let’s beat the Holiday Pounds and get into our best shape ever! Not only will this benefit our #abz, but it will transform ourselves back to being HEALTHY.

So….for my first post

Let’s talk about the Body Analyzer Scale I just got! I have been wanting this scale for YEARS. No, I am not exaggerating. I have wanted this scale ever since I saw it surface on all my favorite fitness YouTube channels. I have been using it for about a week now and y’all, I couldn’t love it any more!!!

What is great about this scale is it goes beyond just showing you how much you weight. It shows you your muscle mass percentage, body fat percentage, bone density, and body water percentage! All of these components are essential for understanding your health and fitness. If you are wondering how this scale can analyze everything by simply stepping on it, the Body Analyzer Scale uses BIA (Bio Impedance Analysis) technology that passes a current through the body to estimate these percentages. It is completely safe! Let’s break it down…

Muscle Mass

When it comes to muscle mass, this is pretty obvious. Obviously, we want muscle. HAH! The more muscle you have, the less “squishy” you feel. Now, I’m not saying we all need to be body builders. Not. At. All. But having some muscle tonnage (haha) is definitely a good thing. The more muscle you have, the LESS FAT. Who doesn’t want that. When your body is at rest, the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. So basically, the more muscle you have, the quicker it will be to lose weight. No matter your age, having muscle is ESSENTIAL!

Body Fat

Okay…we all have heard of this before! Your body fat percentage is also a key factor to know when trying to live that health fit life! Body fat is ESSENTIAL for living. Okay. Just had to clear the air about that first. The tricky part, is having too much body fat. There are different ranges for men and women, but just knowing where you fall is crucial. It is extremely difficult to gauge how much body fat we have in our own bodies because we can carry fat differently. For example, one person might have a higher body fat percentage than someone who looks bigger because they carry their weight evenly across their body. There’s also the popular term, “skinny fat”, where someone appears really skinny, but has no muscle and carries more fat than they should. I know body fat percentages kind of scare people, but knowing your BF% and then being able to track your progress with this is much better and more reliable than simply tracking your weight. MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT. That is one of the reasons I hate basing your physical transformation solely on the number on the scale. That number can change for so many factors, like time of day, water retention, girls on their period, etc. Going by your body fat percentage is MUCH MORE RELIABLE.

Bone Density

Kind of funny, right? When I first started reading into this, I was like…who cares? But now that I understand it, I realize how important it is to achieving your fitness and health goals. Exercising and eating a good diet can help maintain healthy bones…and who doesn’t want that?! Bone is a living tissue that can become stronger by exercise, just like muscle! Most people will notice a decline in bone density after the age of 30. Working out can help this!!

Body Water Percentage

This one is soo interesting to me! Water is THE most important thing to give yoru body. It represents over half of your total weight!!! Every single cell, organ, vein…you name it, can only function properly if they have enough water. So, for those of you that HATE drinking water…you better start loving it.

So, breaking it down in simple terms…

If your body fat percentage is high/muscle mass is low, typically your body water results are LOW (not good).

The Final Verdict

Those are all the components this Body Analyzer Scale identifies. Like I said previously, this scale is WORTH it. It makes it so much easier to track your fitness and health journey and gives you accurate results. I have had my body fat percentage tested twice in the same month. This scale gives me the same number both of those tests gave me (plus or minus a few decimals hha!). So, if you are looking for a reliable way to track your body fat percentage without someone pinching you every week, I would HIGHLY recommend this scale. It makes me so excited to use it and track my progress.

IF YOU WANT TO GET THIS SCALE FOR 60% OFF, ENTER CODE brittanylesser (one of my fave fitness people)!

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