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Fitness Friday #3: Key Ingredient YOU are missing

When it comes to fitness and health, we ALL search for the magic pill, the big secret, the answer it it all, etc. What many of us don’t realize, is that the one factor that will help transform our bodies and minds in ways we can only imagine is right at many of our fingertips. What is this, you ask? WATER.

I know, I know, sounds too easy. But in reality, most of us are not getting our required amount of water we need to survive. We are in a constant state of dehydration and we don’t even realize it. In order to see more results, we need to be drinking around 1 gallon of water A DAY.

A common myth people talk about is that the more water you drink, the more water weight you have. It is actually the opposite. When you are dehydrating your body, your body will actually hold on to any water you have. This causes that dreaded bloating. Especially for us females, we constantly feel like we are “bloating”. What will fix this is WATER.

It might take a couple days for you to notice the positive affects of water on your body, but after about 2-3 days of drinking around a gallon of water a day, you will see some positive changes. You will be less bloated, have more energy, and see more definition!! Who doesn’t want that?!

Additionally, water is proven to give you clearer skin. Your skin, just like your cells and organs in your body, needs water to survive and function properly. Ever heard of the saying “flush it all out”? Well, that is the perfect scenario for what water does for your skin. It flushes all the bad stuff out!

Lastly, water also helps you feel FULL. A lot of the time (I am SO guilty of this….) we think we are hungry when in reality, we are just thirsty. It is a great rule of thumb to drink 20 oz of water before every meal. Then, you will only eat what you are hungry for…and not 2 bags of chips, a handful of nuts, and maybe some yogurt before your main course… haha!

So, in summation, this is why you need to drink more water:

  • Less Bloated
  • More natural energy
  • Organs working properly
  • Less headaches
  • Clearer skin
  • Eat less

Now, Let’s talk about implementing this into your diet

  • Drink water (20 oz) before every meal
  • Drink 30 oz of water when you wake up/after a workout
  • Carry water with you everywhere! My friends can attest to this; I always have water with me!
  • Keep water by your bed at night!
  • When watching netflix, hold your water. Because it is in your hand, you will naturally want to keep drinking it.
  • Whenever you leave the house, bring water with lots of ice in it. Then, on your way BACK home, make it your goal to drink every last bit of it before you go back into your house. That way, its like a game and you can go pee when you get home. hhaah!

What are some ways you add more water into your daily routine? Let’s get to drinking (H2O, that is!).

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