Hair Tutorial || Super Waves

Okay, wow! Over on Instagram, I got so many comments and DMs asking for a hair tutorial on how I did my hair in my recent pictures. THANKS for loving my hair as much as I did!


Outfit Details

Dress: Red Dress Boutique || OTK Boots: Steve Madden || Purse: Kate Spade 

To be completely transparent, I have been obsessing over Carrie Bradshaw and Sex & the City! When fashion and girl tribes come together, you know I’m going to love it!! Carrie is so free and fun, and I definitely felt that way with this crazy hair!

There are two different ways to create this look. One way is to braid your hair in 7-10 braids and let it dry in that pattern. I would have my hair about 70% dry, that way it doesn’t take 2 days to fully dry! This way definitely works, but it won’t always hold the wave for days and doesn’t add volume like my tutorial will. BUT, both are great ideas and you can still use these products to create the perfect look.

I filmed another YouTube tutorial all about how I did my hair. It is super simple and quick. The products I used are:

Texture Spray: This brand can be more of a luxury purchase, but MAN does it work annnndd smell amazing. I always have a hard time purchasing this product, but every time I do, I am so thankful I did. It lasts forever and is one of the best brands I’ve tried.

Hairspray: Don’t worry, not everything is expensive!! I’ve been using this hairspray or years.Whenever I try a new hairspray, I hate it and always go back to this one. HANDS DOWN the best one. Light weight but will hold your hair.

3 Barrel Curling Iron: There are so many out there, but this one is a good brand, lasts forever, and has different heat settings!



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