Healthy Habits for Summer


WOW how is it already April?! I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by. It feels like just yesterday it was Christmas! A couple weeks ago I got a few messages about getting into a routine, getting ready for summer, and all that good stuff. Basically, what it comes down to is, we want to know how to get in shape for summer!

There are a few small habits I like to make everyday that have made the BIGGEST difference in how I feel. These tips might seem simple, but they are effective.

Water, water, and MORE WATER

The more water you drink, the slimmer you will be. I know that sounds crazy because water weight is totally a thing, but water weight is when your body is holding onto water. Your body is dehydrated and craving water. The more water you fuel your body with every day, the slimmer you will feel.

When I was in my peak shape, I had over a gallon of water every day. I also worked full time, so please don’t give me the excuse that you don’t have time or can’t because you have work. I worked at a high school, so I literally only have 5 minutes to use the restroom every hour (or HOUR AND A HALF). I made it work.

Find ways to add more water into your daily routine. Wake up and instead of running to the coffee pot, drink some water. Aim for at least 20 oz (30 is better!!). Then, have some water on your drive to work. You are mindlessly drinking water….makes it so easy!

I also like to have a good amount of water before I go to bed and keep it on my nightstand. While you might have to wake up during the night, you wake up feeling so lean!

Set a goal, and stick with it

Planning is key. I set a goal to workout every day in the morning before work. YES, there are mornings when I don’t want to. I only got 5 or 6 hours of sleep and I could use that extra snooze button. However, I set a goal. I need to do this for myself.

It gets much easier when you build a routine. It might be hard the first couple days, maybe even weeks, of trying a new routine, but once you commit to it, you will be amazed at how easy it is to wake up early in the morning, grab water instead of soda, or whatever your goal might be. It just takes time, patience, and perseverance.

STOP with the added sugar

We all know I am the Queen of Starbucks. I love trying new recipes and hacks. BUT, my best tip for you Starbucks lovers is to limit your intake. While getting an iced Carmel macchiato is yummy and a fun mid day treat, having one every day really adds up. Try to limit your sugary drink to once a week. That way, you still get to enjoy your favorite thing, but you aren’t adding a ton of empty calories, sugar, and so many other addictive ingredients to your diet daily.

Same goes for soda, sweetener, and any other sugary thing you might love. Look at the ingredients label before you consume something. If there is a ton of added sugar, you don’t need to have that. It’s the little things that add up.

Be Intentional When Eating

I used to always work while eating (sometimes I still do). I would have my computer open and work on a blog post, reply to e-mails, make a lesson, the list goes on. I wouldn’t even know if I was satisfied with my food because my brain was consumed with what it was reading or creating.

I didn’t monitor the rate at which I was eating. I would eat super fast to get eating over with so I could just go back to work. SO BAD. When I changed my mindset and became more intentionally with eating, I was more satisfied after eating and was more excited to get back to work. It made my productivity much better, too.

Do a workout you LOVE

At least once a week, I try to do a workout that is purely fun. For me, I love going on long walks with my sister. As the weather gets better, we have started going on long walks in the morning or evening and it is so therapeutic. I am being active, but also having fun!

I also love doing things like reformer pilates, yoga, cardio, etc. While I try to implement some cardio days into my workout schedule for the week, my “fun” workouts are not part of a plan, I just listen to my body and have fun with it.

Doing a workout that you love is so motivating. It makes you excited and gives you something to look forward to. Often times, we feel guilty for not upping our workouts constantly or for breaking our tunnel vision for a minute to do a fun workout. Doing a workout that is purely for fun is a great way to break up your routine and get re-charged.

These healthy habits might not have been what you were expecting huh? Notice how I didn’t mention weight lifting every day, stop eating at 6pm, or intermittent fasting. This is because it is completely up to you what workout routine or diet you choose to follow! The biggest thing is STICK TO IT and you will see the results.

What are some healthy habits you live by? Drop a comment so we can inspire and motivate each other! I know its crazy but, I NEED some motivation too!

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