Healthy Morning Routine

When it comes to my health and fitness journey, I think it is so important to start your day off on the right note. I have found that if I am not intentional with how I conduct my mornings, my whole day is off, feels wonky, or I make some bad decisions (aka…way too many carbs hahaha!). When I am healthy and productive in the mornings, I always have the BEST day. That’s also why I work best in the mornings; I would rather wake up at 4am and get stuff done than sleep in and do it in the evenings. For me, the evenings are for unwinding, relaxing, collecting my thoughts, and getting some good sleep. **If you didn’t already know, not getting enough sleep can heighten the stress in your body which will cause you to either not lose weight/see progress OR could lead to weight GAIN.**

My Healthy Morning Routine

7:30AM: I like to start my mornings by waking up at a reasonable time. This is usually between 7 and 7:30am. To start my day off on a good note, I try to either read my bible, a devotional, or watch a sermon/something inspiring on YouTube. Sometimes, I even meditate. Not in a weird way, but I like to count my blessings, wake up my body with some light yoga, and even say a prayer. This really helps me start my day in a positive & loving way.

7:45AM: Breakfast time! I am a huge lover of all things breakfast. It is my favorite meal! I usually make something along the lines of egg whites with spinach and either ground turkey or grilled chicken. Some days, I’ll also add a slice of whole grain bread and peanut butter or some greek yogurt and fruit. Oh..and coffee. I can’t forget coffee.

How CUTE is this mug?! I just got this from Sweet Water Decor and let me tell ya….it’s the best. It can hold up to 16oz!! No.. I don’t consume that much coffee in the morning, but it is great if you wanted to put water in your mug! I love how cute it is too. The blush pink?! MY FAVORITE. And the gold handle?!?!? It couldn’t be more darling! This company has so many other cute mugs too!

8:15AM: After breakfast (or sometimes during…) I like to start working on my blog. This means I’m replying to e-mails, editing content, writing posts, planning instagram posts, styling the next shoot…you name it! This is always a work in progress, so there is never really a time when I am “done”. HA! Part of being a blogger, I guess!

10:30AM: This is when I make myself STOP. Haha! I put my gym clothes on, grab my BCAAS (Use code THEGLAMOROUSTEACHER for free shipping! This is the BEST quality brand y’all…), and head out the door.

That is a super rough idea of what my mornings look like. Every day can be different, but I love to start everyday by doing something positive. This just really starts my day off on the right track. Additionally, if I don’t workout in the morning, my whole day just feels so off! I love challenging my body, getting those good endorphins, and getting my sweat on! My hat goes of to those that workout in the PM…I’m too exhausted by then!

What is one thing YOU do every morning that really helps make your day amazing?!

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