We are all at home a lot more now. Even if some work places are opening up, often times the time spent at your work place has now been shortened. I’ve even heard of some businesses only allowing employees to come in 2 out of the 5 work days. Working from home has become a big part of our lives right now.
Even if you aren’t working from home, these tips are still really useful when trying to have a productive time at home. Ever get to the end of the day and think, “woah, my day was just wasted. I didn’t get one thing done!”?. Yeah…that at least happens to me! Here are some of my best tips to getting work done and just living a more focused and productive life!

Don’t waste your morning in bed. If you aren’t a morning person, set your alarm. If you have to be somewhere at a certain time, set your alarm at 2-3 hours before you have to leave. This will give you ample time to set your intention for the day and get things going.
2. DON’T get on your phone
This is so hard to do, but it makes the biggest difference. Your phone has a talent of sucking you in, to the point where 45 minutes can pass and you didn’t even realize it. When you get up, get out of bed and leave your phone behind.
tip: if you are fearful of work texts in the morning, it’s okay to check your screen and see if there are any pressing text messages. If not, leave your phone!
3. Make a list
Creating a to-do list is super helpful in getting things done and being productive. Instead of just moseying through life, make a list of things you want to accomplish that day. It can be as mundane as making your bed, cleaning the dishes, and e-mailing Bob, but it at least forces you to accomplish something. If you aren’t used to being super productive, I would aim to have only 1 or 2 big tasks on your list so that you don’t get overwhelmed and can easily pace yourself.
4. Plan out Breaks
This is one of my favorite and most useful tips! If you just add a bunch of things to your list, but plan for not breaks, you will ultimately start procrastinating, you might get distracted, or face burn out towards noon. To combat these monsters, plan to work non-stop for 45 minutes, then take a 15 minute break. You can use this break to do some stretches, catch up on instagram (set your timer!!), or just relax. These little “brain breaks” truly help you focus and get more work done, faster!
5. Get Active!
I know this one can seem a little more…scary, but trust me on this one! There is tons of research out there that illustrates how being more active helps your brain focus and you be more productive. If you sit at your desk all day long, you might experience what many call Brain Fog. Going on a mid-day walk, doing 20 air squats, or doing a 1 minute plank every so often can really help your mood and you focus!
I hope this post inspires you to get productive while at home! What is your top tip for productivity??