We are about to ring in 2025! As we always say, I cannot believe how fast this year flew by. I absolutely love doing these end of year recaps because it feels so good to not only reflect, but I love getting to go back year after year and remembering what life was like and what my goals were. This is also the one time I feel like I am super vulnerable and transparent on here, so here goes nothing!

Winter/Spring: 2024 was just such a blur of a year. We started the year with our poor cat, Ella, and her many scary seizures. Literally one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to witness…. could not do anything to help her and it was just terrifying to watch. My poor girl. The vet had no way of helping her either, so we just felt so helpless. I cried a LOT in those first few weeks of the year. In that same month, I also went to this big dance teacher conference (TDEA) and taught a few master classes, which are always so fun for me to do! We did a pro style class and it was such a hit!
I started filming dance videos to post on YouTube for my dancers who needed some videos to follow at home. Flexibility, conditioning, all the things. It was a goal I had and I was so proud that I started! I also started looking at having my own studio space, but OH MY GOODNESS, it was so much more expensive that I imagined. It would be such a dream, but literally so expensive I just don’t know if that is truly in my cards. I did have 600 private lessons this year and over 40 dance classes…. so maybe one day?
February I started my new Gluten and Dairy Free diet. I have learned so much about food and your body and wow it is wild to learn more! Being GF/DF is definitely tough in social situations, but I’ve adapted and know (for the most part) what I can and should not eat for my own body…and let me tell you, it has been so helpful! I was just so tired of having the famous “gut issues” and never knowing when that would happen. The anxiety was just taking over life. After 30 days of going GF/DF, I literally had abs I’ve never seen before! They’ve gone into hibernation for winter now, but wow looking back at Spring/Summer…. I’m a big fan of my new lifestyle! NO MORE BLOATING or just not feeling great.
Summer: We traveled a ton and I worked even more! It was a crazy season. During this time as well, our poor Ella girl passed away. Y’all, I have actually never cried that much. Through all of life’s trials and moments, loosing my girl Ella was just devastating. I don’t know if it is because we only had her for 4 years or because she was my first “true” pet that was mine (and not my parents’), but the tears did not stop. I had that uncontrollable-can’t-breathe-hyperventilation kind of cry. Andrew was very worried. She was just my little girl who I loved (and truly, she loved me back). She was the best at cuddles (under the covers, of course) and had the most adorable meows. She would follow me around and was just my little girl. With her seizures starting in January, it was such a sad season. Then our last weekend with her, this poor cat had a seizure that lasted 12 hours. Her eyes had no more soul and she as just convulsing the entire night. I cried and cried oh my gosh. WORST DAY of the year. We still miss her so much and think of her daily.
But, just 2 short weeks after that, Andrew highly encouraged me to go get my “dream” breed cat, a Ragdoll. At first, I thought it was too soon, but once we brought her home we just instantly fell in love. Her name is Margot, which means “pearl” in French. I am obsessed with her and she has brought so much joy back into our lives. SO thankful for her and for God providing that for our little family. Currently as I am writing this, she is sitting right next to me. She’s such a great kitty.
Fall: All the dance continues and I am busier than ever! I am just so thankful for this year and all that God has given to me. Never in a million years did I imagine that I would have my own dance business and I get to work with so many dancers and directors all across Texas! I even traveled to El Paso this year…. like got on a plane to go work with a dance team! It just all felt like a true dream come true and I am still so shocked at all this year has brought me.
In October, I went to my first blogging event in what must have been 5 years…. like since before I was a MRS! It was with a brand called Longchamp, which was just supremely perfect! I was so honored to be part of that event and still a little shocked that I got that invite. It definitely reignited a fire in me to blog again. Truthfully, blogging has just felt so dull lately. With the crazy algorithm and blogs being on the decline, it just has seemed like a waste of time. But, what I discovered after this event was that I still freaking LOVE blogging. The thought of quitting my blog and not doing it just feels so depressing. So… until I don’t feel that way… I might as well keep blogging. For posts like this, where I have an outlet to express myself and do something that I love doing!
And with that, let’s recap 2024!

2024 Reflections
- You are capable of more than you think you are
- A small circle is still a great circle
- Boundaries are okay and just listen to your gut
- If you can’t find a friend, just be a friend and see what happens!
- Dance can and will keep you very….very busy
- Some things seem hard to conquer at first, but you can
- We traveled to Disney World (twin trip!), Utah, New York City, Chicago, and Kansas City!
- We got our new kitty, Margot, who has been so much fun!
Highlights/Favorites of 2024
- I have fallen in love with all things Summer Fridays.
- Vitality is my favorite workout brand. I like it 10x more than Lululemon!
- I kind of liked naked nails this year? Shocking!
- Pink and Green color combo was just everywhere at all times for me
- My hot pink Dior bag I purchased from Chicago
- My sister got married!
- I wear these boots with too many outfits (TTS)
- I need to take some days off and practice gratitude and patience lol
Trips to Plan 2025
- Cabo in February for our friends’ wedding!
- Chicago with Andrew for his work
- Hopefully a winter ski lodge getaway…. fingers crossed!

– Make deeper friendships
– Wear cute pajamas… again haha
– TEXT FRIENDS BACK when I see the text…
– Get plugged into our church! We love where we go, but time is always tough to find, which is the worst excuse
-Grow long and healthy hair!

– Continue to find a diet that works for my lifestyle and mind! Figure out if it is gluten, dairy, or both
– Limit alcohol to fun occasions
– workout 4-5 times a week

– work with 30 teams
– travel out of town for choreography
– work with some college dance teams!
– Dance YouTube videos
– host more master class workshops throughout the year
– new online software for clients

– Have fun with the blog because let’s be honest, that’s all it is!
– Share more of my outfits, makeup, hair because I am just holding out on y’all!!
– Be creative and stop get back to loving blogging

And that’s a wrap! What are you looking forward to in 2025? What are your goals?
Check back in with you in the new year.