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Coffee Chats with Kelly | Updated Q&A

Hey everyone! I’m back with another Q&A! I’m sharing my thoughts on fashion trends, dance, mean girls, and wedding details! Hope you enjoy!

Hello, everyone and happy Sunday (and Father’s Day!). I hope you had a perfect weekend and are ready to take on another week! It’s a weird transitionary time for me over here….I have roughly 4 or 5 months until I move to a NEW state, so I can’t really commit to a new job. I’m currently doing my dance studio stuff, choreography, and private lessons…but it sure does feel weird not gearing up for back to school!

I thought it would be super fun to do another Q&A post. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these and they are always fun for me to put together.

Setting the Mood….

It is currently raining a TON in Dallas as I write this post. I’ve got some classical Disney music playing…..a candle on…the mood is just right for a blog post! What are you doing right now?

Top || Shorts

Questions & Some Answers

Q: Cheetah Print or Zebra Print…

Haha! Definitely Cheetah Print. I am actually not a big fan of Zebra print anything. Back in 5th grade (When the Cheetah Girls were super popular), my sister and I created our own “band” and we called ourselves the Zebra Girls. We could only wear Zebra stuff. Clever….I know.

Q: What’s your favorite fashion trend right now?

Honestly I love the oversized, babydoll dresses. I can wear these every. single. day. In the summer, I don’t like things to be super tight and stiff, so a loose, flow-y dress is my go-to! I think they look adorable with heels, sneakers, flats, anything!

Q: How did you get started with fashion?

I have always loved fashion. When I was super little, I could always be found in a dressing room or my mom’s closet trying on clothes and shoes. I loved to walk around with a new outfit on and “model” it out on my imaginary runway. I don’t know what, I just have always loved fashion.

With my blog, it all started when I was in college. I knew I wanted to be a high school teacher, but I also really wanted to be in the fashion world. Because I was sort of caught between two loves, I decided to create a blog where I could help others with styling, showcase my style, and share my love for beauty and fashion with others!

Q: Your thoughts on the Dallas Mavericks cutting the dance team?

Tough question….tougher topic. My simplified answer: it’s sad. I am kind of in the middle because I do see how the CEO would want to make the team more “family friendly”, but I also (as a dancer myself) know the talent it takes to be on the team, the passion, and the work ethic. You don’t see professional basketball teams being cut or professional backup dancers for Beyonce being cut….. so why professional dancers for teams?

I would have loved to see the owners of the team sit down with the dancers and have a real conversation. Get to know each other’s perspectives and come to a true conclusion on how to better the program, not take it away.

Coming from someone who is a Christian and also someone who LOVES to dance (and was a DMD)….there was definitely a better way to handle this situation. That’s all I’ll say for now!

Q: Best way to deal with mean girls? Or difficult people you can’t avoid?

This is such a tough one, too. No matter the stage of life you are in, you will always be dealing with someone you don’t particularly enjoy. Mean girls are everywhere. Some, never truly grow up.

A while ago, I would have said just “kill em with kindness”, but I think I’m changing my tune a little. YES, kindness towards others is always a good thing…but that can also lead to them walking all over you, taking advantage of you, or never actually fixing the problem. Especially when dealing with “mean girls”.

My best advice is to 1. pray about it and for them. 2. Be the bigger person. 3. hold your GROUND, but never ever retaliate or act immature (like I’m sure they’re doing). Be kind and positive throughout the process, but don’t be afraid to diplomatically tell them that what they said/did hurt you and was not appropriate. Think of it like a business talk…and not a dramatic chat you might see on MTV.

Q: Most looking forward to about your wedding? About marriage?

OH I love this question!! Definitely a hard one to narrow down..haha!

For my wedding: I am super excited to wear my dress (all of my goals lol), say “I do” (can’t wait omg), and honestly…the getting ready process. I can’t wait to hang out with my bridesmaids and experience all those pre-wedding jitters.

For marriage: Experiencing life with Andrew. I know that sounds so cliche, but I’m definitely my best self when I am with I can’t wait to see where life takes us when we are together. For most of our relationship
(2 1/2 years after college), we’ve been basically long distance. For a year or more he lived an hour from me..and now he lives 10 hours away! So just being together and experiencing milestones in life together will be amazing.

Q: Have you and Andrew worked on your first dance yet or are you winging it?

UGH! I wish we knew. Originally, we wanted to have something choreographed and beautiful. But….another long-distance problem. At this point.. we might just have to wing it! I called a local dance studio to see if they could choreograph something….but they wanted us to take a couple ballroom classes/privates first and I was like…no no….wedding dance not the Argentine tango or the waltz…haha! Especially as a dancer and choreographer myself, I just wanted someone to put together some sweet and pretty (simple) steps so we aren’t just swaying and talking.

I will say, we do have our first dance song picked out and it is really special!

Q: What’s been the hardest part about planning a wedding?

Long Distance. 100000%. I really value Andrew’s input…but he’s not here. Looking for the venue, cake tasting, food tasting, ring shopping, figuring out what the groomsmen will wear, ordering save the dates, creating invitations, planning ceremony music…it’s really difficult not having him here. Luckily, my mom and sister help me with most of that…but it is really sad when vendors ask “where is the groom” and I have to say he can’t make it. BUT, it just creates an even better bonding experience with my amazing sister! We have shared many laughs during this planning process!

Q: Do you still wear hair extensions?

In short, KINDA! I do not have micro-beads anymore, but I do have clip in extensions that I will pop in for special occasions or if I’m just feeling it that day. I wear them when I do a fun braid hairstyle or I want really glamorous hair.

I have been loving my clip in extensions from LuxyHair. They are the “seamless” ones and hide SO much better. They lay flatter against your head and don’t slip. I love them. I have them in the color blonde balayage and they blend so so so well.

LX-KELLY to save $$! Free Shipping, too!

Q: Why do you and your sis love Disney so much?

HAH! How could you not?? But really, we grew up with it in our household. When my mom was younger, she actually worked at Disneyland painting figurines. My dad also grew up loving Disney. We are all from Los Angeles and lived about 30 minutes from Disneyland, so we would frequent there often.

As Samantha and I grew older, we found such joy and peace with Disney. It’s almost like Disney reminds you that its okay to be a kid. And…just like the Bible says, the joy of a child is the best kind of joy! In this world, there can be so much pressure to act like an “adult”, be all trendy and blah-blah-blah. Disney, for me, is refreshing. You are only as old as you THINK you are. I’d much rather have the joy of a child. Love life. Love others. And…love Disney Princesses.

That’s all for my Sunday Q&A! If you have any other random questions, just comment here! Let’s chat! I love talking with y’all on my blog…way more fun and I can type a whole lot more!!

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