We are back with a heatless hair journey! We all know by now that I love giving myself little challenges. Every year or so, I like to challenge myself with going heatless for a period of time. Flashback to a few years ago when I went heatless for 80 days? WILD for me. To be completely honest, I don’t always see a big difference in my hair health during these heatless phases. When I first started doing these, I thought my hair would be completely transformed by the end of the 30 days. Much to my dissatisfaction, my hair looked and felt the “same”. I think the main benefit is 1) It takes time to see damage…so me not using heat is truly saving my hair from heat over 30 days… even if I can’t immediately see it and 2) learning to LOVE my natural hair and embrace it.
I’ve found that going heatless is easier for me in the summer months because #beachhair is way more cute in Summer than winter. BUT, my hair gets the most brittle in the winter because of the cold air and the heaters inside.
Current State of my Hair:
My hair can definitely use some TLC right now. I was so proud of my hair over summer and into October. It felt long, luscious, and I felt like I finally figured out the secret to my hair growth. My hair looked like it did before getting married…which was the best my hair has truly ever looked and felt. Unfortunately, for reasons I can’t discover, my hair started doing that annoying thing where it breaks at the ends and one day you wake up and it looks like you got a hair cut even though you never did! So… all during Winter, my hair was shorter than I wanted. I did end up getting a 2 inches cut off during January just to start fresh and get everything even. And now, we are back to the hair health journey!
Summer —-> Winter

I usually don’t do anything crazy for Lent, but my church does celebrate Lent and I always feel like I should participate. This year, I decided to give up heat on my hair until Easter. That might sound so vain, but for me, it truly is SO hard for me to not style my hair. With work, I feel more professional and put together when I style my hair… even if it is just blow drying my bangs! This time of year is also another busy season for me at work, so I am truly testing my patience and self love these next few weeks until Easter. I’m hoping to feel more connect with God, more at peace with who He made me to be, and more confident in that, too!
Products I’m Using for Hair Health:
Shampoo & Conditioner: I’m currently using two. I really do like the Kerastase brand, but it can be a little heavy on my fine ends. I alternate between that line and my classic go-to, Unite Hair. My last heatless hair journey, these products truly transformed my hair and they are SO underrated!
Other Hair Essentials: I use the Ouai hair mask and it not only leaves my ends feeling super hydrated, but it doesn’t weigh my hair down AND it smells super good. It’s truly a triple threat.
Air Drying Essentials: For a pretty “natural” look, I have found that letting my hair dry in a towel for about 10 minutes after the shower helps with combing. I always use a wet brush and gently brush out the tangles. My hair looks BEST if I brush it and part it to how I want it to look when it is dry. I also go in with a volumizing spray (that works on heatless hair) at the root and sometimes throughout the hair to give it some lift. If I want more texture, this beach spray is amazing and gives it lasting volume, too.
No Longer Using: This is shocking, but I don’t use a lot of dry shampoo anymore. Sometimes I’ll use it when I am like utterly desperate, but that is extremely rare these days. It just makes my hair feel MORE dirty and weighed down…. no matter the brand. I also feel like maybe it is better for your scalp health? Who knows.
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