Keeping up with Kelly | No. 3


1.What products do you use on your hair?

When it comes to hair care, I am always mixing it up and trying out different hair products. Currently, I have been using and absolutely loving Joico shampoo and conditioner. I love that brand so much that I went back and purchased the liter bottles of the shampoo and conditioner! I use the line for color treated hair and it brings so much health BACK into my locks. I love it. It also smells like you just went to the hair salon….so a huge bonus for me!

After shampooing and conditioning my hair, I always use a leave in conditioner like this one. I have been using that product for years and I love it. It helps to de-tangle your hair and seal your hair so you have less split ends. I will hopefully be doing an updated hair post soon, so I’ll save the rest of that for that post. LAST tip: I LOVE Big Sexy Hair hairspray. This stuff WORKS.

2. What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled?

I honestly haven’t done much traveling in my life..haha! As of right now, my favorite place I have ever been to is definitely Maui. Growing up, my ENTIRE family (aunts, uncles, you name it) would all travel there and hang out together. Maui is totally like paradise for me. I never get tired of going there and I want to go back soo badly. Recently though, my favorite place I have traveled to would be Disney World in Florida. It is always so much fun to go there and hang out with Mickey Mouse! I went with my family; you can read about that experience here. I would totally go back to Disney World (and Land!), but maybe during the “cooler” months..haha!

3. How do you balance being a teacher AND a blogger?

Ah, the balancing act. Y’all, being a blogger and having a full time job is extremely hard, especially being a teacher. Teaching is such a demanding job. I always tell people that being a teacher is not a full time job, it is OVER TIME. But, ask any teacher and we will all say it is the best job out there. I actually took a step back from teaching this year (super sad, I know) in order to pursue some other dreams while I can. Having said that, I did juggle being not only a teacher, but an assistant drill team director my first year out of college AND devoting a ton of time to my blog.

Biggest tip I can give you is to take time out of your day to devote to your blog. My friends all thought I was crazy, but I would wake up at 4am EVERY DAY to go workout, come home, and answer e-mails/write posts. I would do this and then get ready for the day. I would teach, plan lessons, create lesson materials, and coach all day and then when I got home I would continue to work on the blog. Since I was doing drill team as well, sometimes I wouldn’t get home until 6 or 7 at night (honestly this was most nights). I would quickly eat dinner and then devote at least one hour every night on working on my blog. I know that sounds like a big time commitment, but if you are passionate about something, it is worth it.

Photoshoots were a whole different story. It was so hard to get pictures in during the week, especially in the fall/winter when the sun would set so early! Half the time I didn’t leave the school until it was dark outside, which obviously made it very hard to take any blog photos. I would plan out my blog posts in advance and get up early on Saturday mornings to take pictures. It can definitely be done, but it will be hard work and not a ton of sleep. But again, if you love it, it’s worth it.

4. Are you selling clothes? Do you have a fashion brand? Where can I buy it?

AH I am! I am so excited about my new tank tops! If you have been staying up to date on my instagram stories, you probably already know about these tank tops. I am selling tank tops that all say “Stay Glamorous” on them; something I thought not only represented my blog well, but also represented YOU guys! It comes in three different colors. I wear mine to workout in ALL the time, as well as go to dance classes, run errands, sleep in, and everything in between. It’s not too late to grab yours!

I am looking into creating more apparel for you (and me, hehe). I already have about 15 sketches made that I want to bring to life. So, if you are interested in being the FIRST to know about more apparel coming your way, sign up for e-mails!

5. How do you stay motivated?

Staying motivated can be so challenging at times. I feel like I can get into super creative phases where all I want to do is blog, inspire, work with others, and create. However, sometimes I don’t feel this way. Sometimes I get in a “blogger slump” where I think “what’s the point” and I compare myself to other bloggers out there that always appear to be #killingit. This happens to everyone, so when you find yourself unmotivated, you are not alone!

How do I overcome this? There are a few ways that I always resort to and honestly help me soo much with getting that motivation and creativity back. Whether you need motivation to write, workout, clean, go to work, get good grades… whatever your circumstance is, here are my tips!

  1. Take a step back: That’s right, you read that correctly. Sometimes you just need a few days to log off social media, stop doing whatever you are doing, and relax. Find a new hobby. Get back to the basics.
  2. Evaluate WHY it is you do what you do. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the outcome of what we want to achieve that we loose sight as to why we ever started in the first place. Keeping your goal at the front of your mind will help tremendously in keeping that motivation alive.
  3. Coffee Breaks with Friends: Friends are so important. Sometimes I get too caught up in my own life and my own work load that I push my friends to the side. DON’T DO THAT. Call up a friend and get coffee. Just those couple hours out of your house/office and chatting with a friend can give you time away from your work and into a new perspective.
  4. Keep that Inspiration: Yes. I am that girl that has pictures of Julianne Hough on my bathroom mirror as inspiration as to what I want to look like. NO SHAME. Sometimes when everything you do doesn’t seem to work, you need to get visual. You want to be a big influential blogger? Who inspires you? You want to be an amazing dancer? Who inspires you? You want to be the best CEO ever? Who inspires you?

I hope these tips helped! These are the tips I always fall back on and they seriously help me get back on track and reach that goal!

MY LAST Keeping up with Kelly post will be next Friday! ASK ME ANYTHING <3

As always, thank you for reading!

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