Tee & Cut offs Kind of Gal
How adorable is this top?! While my name is indicates that I love all things Glamorous, let’s be real; I LOVE BEING COMFY!! Casual Cuite is how I like to describe it. I just got this top and right when I opened the box, I knew exactly how I would style it. I have been loving black jeans lately, but with this summer heat, shorts are a must. These shorts are so comfortable, stretchy, a perfect mid-rise feel, and not toooooo short in the booty area. I can’t stand shorts that make you feel like your booty is hanging out with every step you take. Talk about awkward. I don’t know why that is a trend.
Splash of Color: Earrings
Now these earrings! These are so fun for summer. While they are an assortment of colors, they pair so well is almost anything. I think it is almost because they are so multi-colored that they look good with so many outfits. I love long, dangly earrings but I always hate when they are SUPER heavy. Kendra Scott can get super heavy and I feel like they’re just going to pull my ear down. These earrings are so light-weight, I don’t even feel them in! Super cute and they won’t break the bank.
Talk Coffee To Me
I am always down for a yummy coffee break! Yes, I do get Starbucks almost every day…and I have no shame in my game. Who else is with me!?!
This coffee is from a cute boutique coffee shop where I live. It is a great place to study and almost everyone that works there is a Christian. I always over hear them talking about Jesus…love that! A great environment, really good coffee, and a fun change of pace from my normal Starbucks. I grabbed some coffee and got to work editing photos at this little coffee shop! If you are ever feeling like you are in a rut, changing up your study/work location is a great way to get back to being inspired and motivated.
So….what are the details?!
Thanks for reading everything! So, without further ramblings, here are all the details of this outfit.