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Blog REDESIGN || What to Expect

Wow, this is so weird for me to write. For over a year now, or really since getting married, I’ve had this idea to rebrand my blog. With all new seasons in life, there are changes that have to be made to better reflect that new chapter. I wasn’t posting as many try-on hauls and my passion for blogging in general was starting to shift. I can’t begin to tell you how many conversations I’ve had with Mr. Blonde about how unhappy or frustrated I have been with my blog. I needed to re-center, re-connect, and be inspired again.

Dance. Fashion. Lifestyle

The Backstory

The idea of shifting my blog from The Glamorous Blonde to Kelly Ruth Hans was scary, uncertain, and a big step for me. I have identified myself as “The Glamorous Blonde” for a few years now. Even before that, my blog was “The Glamorous Teacher”, which still reflected my glam side. I changed my blog name from “Teacher” to “Blonde” because I was teaching dance at a high school and felt it strange to not be posting teaching outfits. I lived in leggings…lol! So Blonde seemed more me.

Fast forward to today and I don’t feel too glamorous. Honestly, when you see the name “The Glamorous Blonde“, you probably think designer bags, expensive clothes, always put together, and just so fabulous. In reality, I teach dance and live in leggings. I LOVE fashion and dressing up, but I enjoy more affordable fashion like ASOS, H&M, Nordstrom, and Red Dress Boutique.

The Dream

I’ve had this dream of transforming my blog from just posting about fashion, to more of a lifestyle blog. I have so many passions in life, and I think it is time to finally bring them to one space.

As many of you know, I also teach dance and do a lot of freelance choreography. For years now, I’ve had a Choreography page on my blog….that just didn’t really fit my Glamorous Blonde persona. I had a lot of you request to see more dance content on my instagram, but I just didn’t know how to incorporate that when my page was solely fashion, try on hauls, and glam stuff. Dance is such a big part of my life that it seemed weird to hide that side of myself from my blog.

What to Expect…

So, the part we all care about; what can you expect moving forward? There are 3 main categories on my new blog design that I will be focusing the majority of my posts on; Dance, Beauty & Style, and Happily Ever Hans.


My biggest passion in life. For SO long, I was living under the Imposter Syndrome of I’m not good enough. How could I call myself a freelance dance choreographer and mentor? Who do I think I am? In reality, this brings me the most joy! I’ve had the privilege of working with over 20 schools/teams during my time as a choreographer and I want to build upon that! I feel like God has called me to this passion and talent, but I have been pushing it back not thinking I was really that good at it. I’m a Type 3….hah!

I get a lot of requests in the DM’s to post more about fitness, what I eat in a day, meal prepping, how to be more flexible, and lifestyle content like that. Outside of my blog life, I eat, breathe, and SLEEP this stuff. So, why was I not posting about it?

Beauty & Style

Not to worry, I will still be posting about beauty and style. This is something that I just naturally love. I love doing my hair, creating hair tutorials, and experimenting with makeup. When it comes to fashion, hellooooo sign me up! It has been a dream of mine for years to attend NYFW in September, so that is still a goal of mine. I love helping others with style tips, shopping tips, and of course, shopping for myself! You can still expect blog posts about fashion, YouTube videos about hair tutorials and makeup looks.

Happily Ever Hans

This is what started the dream in the first place. I’ll give y’all some back story: When Mr. Blonde and I got engaged, we started thinking of a wedding hashtag (naturally). I came up with the idea of #HappilyEverHans because I love fairytales, Disney, and I thought it would be a great blog series! Happily Ever Hans will document our lives together. Again, more lifestyle. From posts about marriage, Q&As, his and her style (yes babe, you’re transitioning to in front of the camera!), to travels we do together, this category is all about US! I’ve had this idea of having his & hers style content since before we got married. I often get asked for his advice or opinion on what coat to buy, a guys opinion on something, or what to get your own husband for birthday/Christmas, so why not have a whole category about it??

Again, this is such an exciting milestone for me, but also a little weird. It feels like it is an end of an era, but it is really just the beginning. I can finally be my full authentic self and I have a tiny space on the internet where I can be ME. What content are you most excited for? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. Love you all!

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