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Pink Sweatsuit || 2020 Resolution

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2020 Thoughts

Hey there, friends! How is everyone doing? I hope 2020 is off to a good start and that everyone is getting back into the swing of things. I wanted to make post about my 2020 vision and my main resolution for this year. If you are like me, you often make TONS of goals for the new year. I like to separate mine into Spiritual, Health, Personal, and Career. So yes….that’s a lot of goal setting. But I love it. I truly enjoy setting goals, creating plans, and executing. It’s just who I am by nature. How God wired me.

I was praying about my 2020 year and praying for a word that can be my building block. Over and over again, God kept pushing the word create on me. I thought that was kind of odd because I ended 2019 feeling run down, overworked, confused, and most of all, exhausted from constantly trying my best and feeling like I was getting nowhere. I know that might sound a little bit dramatic, but I just felt so lost and hopeless. On the outside, my year looked amazing. I was wedding planning, went to Disney World, was blogging all the time, got married, went on an amazing honeymoon, got our first apartment together, and all the other exciting things. But on the inside, I just felt like I was constantly working but wasn’t really seeing an outcome from all of my hard work.

Blogging Journey

My blogging journey started back in 2014. Now, I have changed my blog name a few times since then (shout out to Simply Glam Style and The Glamorous Teacher), but I have been consistent on my mission and love for blogging. I’ll look back at my blogging journey and think WOAH I have changed a lot. Wow, look at all these amazing things I have done. So blessed. But then, I’ll look at other bloggers who started in 2019 and have already surpassed me on a superficial level (likes, followers, brand deals) and I get pretty discouraged. I feel like God has put blogging on my heart…and no matter how many times I fall in a hole, He ALWAYS pulls me out and encourages me to keep going. But why?

At the end of 2019 (around August), I really started contemplating some big changes in my life with my career (dance) and hobbies (blogging). Was this what God wanted for me? Was this the purpose God had for me? All my life, I just wanted to feel like God is using me for His glory…to use my talents and gifts for HIM. I just often get clouded as to what exactly that is or what it looks like..

Praying for Clarity

I prayed and prayed and the word create would just not leave me alone. But HOW would this be my word? I was straight up exhausted from always creating. Whether that be with dance, career goals, blog content, you name it! But after lots of prayer, the word just would not leave me alone.

My 2020 resolution is to create. Not to create with an outcome in mind, but just to simply be creative and have fun. I was talking to Mr. Blonde for a bit last night and he told me that I need to be more content with life. For me, I really struggle with that word. Of course, I feel God’s blessings and I am so happy with my life…but there is always that nagging feeling of do more and be more. I don’t want to become complacent…that word is like the most evil word in my book! But has the fear of becoming complacent now made me less content?

My goal is to create without an outcome in mind. Normally, if I am being really honest with myself and with you, when I have a GREAT blog idea in my head, of course I did it because I loved it (and love being creative), but in the back of my mind there is that feeling of “if I do this, then this outcome will happen”. So, when that outcome doesn’t happen, I get really, super down. I feel like quitting. I am so outcome based, which I think a lot of us are. I just need to channel my expectation into more of a Kingdom mindset, rather than a Kelly mindset (hello, pride).

What 2020 Looks Like

I started 2020 off with a lot of new chapters on my blog. I am back up with running my weekly newsletter, we are doing Monday prayer requests, weekly style challenges, and I am producing more fitness content (scary for me to do, but something I’ve always wanted to do). Some ideas, in my mind, have “tanked”…meaning the outcome I was hoping for didn’t happen. BUT, my word for 2020 is to create. Not to create for. But to simply, create. Create because I love it. Create because God called me to. Create because this is my passion.

If you ever feel like you are running the rat race and just can’t seem to get moving, know that you are not alone. We just need to change our mindset. This is not an overnight fix…trust me, I know that. But, over time, our mindset will shift from our own glory, to His glory.

2020 is the year of creating for me. I want to completely give in to my “craft”. Whether that is with dance or blogging; I want to fully create. To trust in God. To get as creative as possible. To do things that no one is doing. To get out of my comfort zone. To truly put my faith in God and listen to what He is telling me.

Subsequently, I am very excited for 2020. BIG things in store….with no expected outcome. I just want to do what God is calling me to do. I want to love others well, trust in God fully, and do my best each and every day.

What is your word for 2020?

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