Cabo Vacation || February 2025

Andrew and I just got back from our very first vacation in Mexico! We went to Cabo San Lucas for a beautiful wedding! The views were amazing and where we stayed as so perfect. Andrew and I were both a little tiny bit skeptical about visiting Mexico (oh the stories you hear!), but we had a wonderful time. This blog post, I’m diving deep into where we stayed, tips and tricks, and of course, all the details on my Cabo outfits!

Where we Stayed:

We stayed at an all inclusive hotel and it was super easy. Highly recommend. Honestly, I feel like most hotels in Mexico (the tourist destinations) are all-inclusive, so it’s easy to find. We stayed at Secrets Puerto Los Cabos and we had a wonderful and seamless time. The hotel staff were extremely kind and attentive. We felt very safe on property and had a truly great time.

Food: Secrets is an all-inclusive resort. There were a lot of options for food and drinks. The drinks at all-inclusive resorts are never that “strong”, so I like to stick with wine and champagne. Our trick though, ask for top shelf of whatever you are ordering (cocktails) and they normally will make you a better drink. You just have to ask!

This resort was also extremely sensitive to any food allergies for guests. Every restaurant we went to (minus the quick-service bars) asked you multiple times if you have any allergies. I thought that was super thoughtful!

Our favorite restaurant on property was a place called Oceana. The view was incredible! We ate there for multiple breakfasts and one dinner. I got the salmon for dinner and it was very good. Highly recommend!

Pools: The pools were never too crowded where you couldn’t find a lounge chair, which is awesome. Some resorts don’t have enough lounge chairs to accommodate their guests, which is just so frustrating. There were several guests who would wake up super early and set their towels and things down on their preferred chair early in the morning; however, we never had any issues finding a spot in the early afternoon (around 11am is when we would set our stuff down).

Distance from Airport: The drive was so short! I think only 20 minutes total. We also booked with our travel agent a company to take us to and from the resort ahead of time. We used a group called AmStar, and they were wonderful. We had a private car take us to the resort at the start of our vacation and another private car take us back to the airport when our trip was over.

** Airport Tip**: Several people will stop you and ask if you have a ride, if you want to add on experiences, etc., right after you get your luggage. If you have booked transportation already (which, highly recommend), just keep walking all the way outside the airport and PAST the large outdoor bar. You’ll see all these car rental service kiosks directly outside.


Flora Farms: One of the most iconic things in Cabo would be a cute spot called Flora Farms. Every single person I spoke with before our trip asked if we were going there…so I figured it must be the most iconic spot ever! It was super cute and quaint. Flora Farms is a restaurant (just 10 minutes from our resort!) that makes all their food locally. It is essentially a farm where they grow and raise everything they prepare. There are also several cute gift shops filled with items from local craftsmen. I got this SUPER perfect straw hat that was, of course, hand made.

Overall, Flora Farms was super cute and I am so glad we went. We got a taxi from our hotel to take us there. The Uber ride back was a little sketch…but go with friends and you’ll feel safe. I think Flora Farms is a one-hit wonder for me…. don’t need to go every time you visit Cabo, but definitely a must-do at least once!

Other Activities:

There are several experiences you can book once you land in Cabo. Honestly, most resorts have someone at the front desk who can help you book any experience you like (Camel rides, boat rides, etc). With this being our first time in Cabo and only there for 4 days, we didn’t book any additional experiences. We thought about going to see the famous Arch (via boat), but we didn’t end up going through with it….this time!

When we went, it was also Whale season (January-early March), so from our resort we could see SO many whales. It was amazing to see! If you are wanting to visit Cabo, I highly recommend during that season (and the weather was perfect!).

Cabo Tips:

Cabo is Baja/Desert vibes. Definitely pack a light layer for the mornings/evenings as it can bet a little chilly (60 degrees). I always pack a sweatshirt, so I wore that in the mornings. Evenings, I was a little chilly but nothing crazy.

Bring Sunscreen! This is pretty obvious, but resort sunscreen is like double-triple the price you would pay at Target. I loaded up before our trip!

Hat: The sun’s rays are pretty strong in Cabo (more that we were used to!). So I almost always wore some kind of hat when lounging by the pool to help keep the sun off my face and shoulders.

Band-aids: This is a packing essential for me. Sometimes shoes rub and there is nothing worse that a blister in paradise!

Weather Report: Low 60s, High 75-80 degrees

Makeup Wipes: I was terrified of the water (all the stories you hear), so I used makeup wipes to cleanse my face. Not ideal, but for 4 days…. worth it!

Bottled Water is your Bestie: I literally brushed my teeth with bottled water. Again… you hear stories!


Shop the Outfit:

Shop the Outfit:

Shop the Outfit:

Shop the Outfit:

Shop the Outfit:

Shop the Outfit:

Shop the Outfit

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