Influencer Series: Interview with Lauren Kay Sims

The Influencer Series

Y’all!! I am so excited about this mini series I am doing. Every Wednesday, I am interviewing a different lifestyle, fashion, fitness, health, or anything in between BLOGGER!! These ladies are ones that I personally follow and love to interact with, so I wanted to highlight why I love them and show y’all some new influencers to follow. I have been so fortunate to INTERVIEW these ladies. Be sure to read the full post to read what each blogger has to say!


I am so excited to start my first post of my Influencer Series with the one and only, Lauren Kay Sims! If you have never been to her blog, you absolutely have to. Not only is she super good at fashion trends, but she is also an amazing inspiration for fitness and a strong Christian. If anyone else went to Baylor, she did as well! Sic ’em!

I have followed Lauren for years now and her content never fails. Her blog is one of the first ones I go to for fashion, fitness, devotionals, and literally anything in between. Lauren is such a positive light on the social media scene! She recently moved from Dallas to Colorado, so if you are visiting that state soon be sure to check out her posts!


  • Lauren and her husband, Michael, are actually the cutest. Check out this post here!
  • She is really into fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. If you ever need motivation, check this post out here! 
  • Lauren also runs marathons! If you are interested in marathon training, check out this! 
  • Like stated earlier, Lauren’s faith is a big part of her life. If you are looking for a new devotional, check out this post.
  • Lauren travels a lot, so if you have a lot of cities on your bucket list, be sure to explore her blog!
  • She has the cutest doggie EVER!


Interview with Lauren:

1. When did you start blogging? Why? 

I started blogging about 3 and a half years ago! I was working full time in a corporate fashion job and felt like I was a slave to “corporate america”. The 9 to 5 (which was really like 8 to 7), the cubicles, no PTO, driving in rush hour traffic everyday…. i just had a desire to do something different. Something more creative where I had autonomy. I’ve always loved fashion, writing and social media…so I got connected with another established blogger and started my blogging journey writing for her!

2. What has been a challenge you’ve overcome? For blogging or anything in life. 

A challenge I’ve had to overcome with blogging: learning to be okay with the fact that not everyone is going to like me or my content. When you put yourself out there on the internet for thousands of people to see or judge…there will always be people out there who don’t like your hair or think your body type is weird or your outfits are boring, and they will let you know that in not-so-nice ways. Blogging has challenged me to just be secure and confident in who I am and the content that I’m putting out there…knowing that not everyone will love or resonate with it, and that’s okay!

3. What’s your daily routine like?

I wake up by 6:30am everyday (sometimes earlier – I’m a morning person). I start my day by spending time in the Word and prayer, and coffee obviously! After that I either go to the gym for workout or run outside. After my workout I come home and get started on work – e-mails, writing blog posts, responding to comments, conference calls, photoshoots, editing photos….the list goes on! I typically work from around 9am until 6 or 7ish, and then make dinner or go to dinner with my husband, then hang out the rest of the night!

Michael (my husband) goes to class 2 nights a week, so those nights I typically will just “work late” and get more stuff done. I’ll usually work from until 9pm those nights, especially during busy season like the holidays.

4. What is something many people don’t know about you?

I am one of 6 kids! I’m number 4 out of 6, and my siblings all mean the absolute world to me. Oh also I’m addicted to peppermint Extra gum.

5. What is the best piece of advice you were ever given?

My mom always says “throughout every season, no matter what is happening, I know I can always count on two things: 1) God is sovereign and 2) God is Good”

6. What is a goal you have for your blog? Is there something you want to see more of on your own blog or in your business?

A smaller scale goal is to get more into video content. I think that would be really helpful with tutorials or travel blogs or just sharing things that are on my heart. I’m just clueless when it comes to video and intimidated haha.

As far as something I want to see on my own blog or in my business – some day I’d like to take my site to the next level as far as design and interactive elements go! I like how my site looks now but one day I’d love to work with an amazing designer on taking it to the next level – to make it easier to navigate, more visually appealing and easier to shop on.

7. Favorites! Favorite color, season, item of clothing, designer, retailer, movie, and holiday!

Color – white and grey!

Fall is my favorite season.

My current favorite item of clothing is my Citizens jeans. Designer – free people if that counts haha but if we’re talking high end, Chloe.

Retailer – Nordstrom (I know. #basic!)

Movie – it’s hard to just pick one… but Remember the Titans is always a classic in my book

Holiday- Christmas!

8. Who inspires you? Why?

Currently really inspired by Shalane Flanagan – she just won the NYC marathon (first female ever)! I’m running the Dallas marathon on Dec 10 so she is total #goals haha. Really though I’m inspired by anyone who works hard for their dreams with passion and discipline!

9. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Dessert 100%. I legit have dessert 7 days a week and can’t stop won’t stop!

10. What are 3 words that describe you?

Disciplined, adventurous, passionate


Love Lauren?

Be sure to stay connected with Lauren on her blog ( and her perfectly themed instagram here!

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