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Thankfulness. Something that inspires us, motivates us, and propels us to be better people. With Thanksgiving this past Thursday, thankfulness has really been on my heart as I’m sure it has been on yours as well. There are so many things to be thankful for, but sometimes we forget. Sometimes, we get caught up in daily life excursions and the stress of the day. It is so important to take a step back when life gets tough, and remember the things that we are truly blessed to have.

There are so many ups and downs in life, but somethings are always something constant to be thankful for. Some things I am thankful for are:

1. My Faith

As cliche as this sounds, being a Christian is something I am so thankful for. I am thankful for my salvation. Without that, life would be meaningless. My salvation drives me in all factors of life. Having faith in Jesus directs the way I talk with others, my friendships, my close relationships, my job, EVERYTHING. Being a follower of Christ is the most important thing in my life, so I am extra thankful for this.

2. My Family

Family is so important. Day to day life, sometimes we can take advantage of our family because we know that they will be there for us. My family is loyal to loving me even when I don’t deserve it. Remembering how thankful I am to have the family I have is super important. Never take relationships for granted. Whether it is family or friends, never stop pursuing your loved ones.

3. My Blog

I am so thankful for Y’ALL! This is such a dream for me to blog about my clothes and my lifestyle and to have people who actually CARE about that. Never in my dreams could I imagine a life like this. It is so funny because the other day I was talking to my mom while we were at target about my blog. I was laughing because when I was younger (like middle school..), whenever we went shopping I would always ask to carry the bags. I loved walking around the mall with lots of shopping bags on my arms (see any Carrie Bradshaw photo…that was me). My mom and I were laughing because my childhood TOTALLY foreshadowed what I would one day try to make my living as. Who knew that this quirky kid who wore platform flip flops and loved to carry shopping bags would one day turn into a fashion blogger.

So, THANK YOU to every single one of you that actually clicks on my blog and reads these posts. As much as I love creating content for Instagram, my blog is MINE and I really value it. Thank you for valuing it with me!


What are 3 things you are thankful for? Just because Thanksgiving has already passed, doesn’t mean we can forget our thankfulness and go about our day as we do any other day. Let’s pause and thank the things or people in our life that are truly meaningful to us.

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