Last weekend, I was showered with lots of love for my Bridal Shower! It was SUCH a fun time and I am just constantly blown away by all my friends, family, and the LOVE. It’s such a weird position to be in when you are the Bride and everyone is just wanting to love and give. I’m like…. how do I handle this, everyone is so kind?!
My amazing sister/MOH hosted and planned this super amazing party (with my mom’s help!) and it turned out amazing. The theme was Cinderella because I LOVE me some Disney Princesses. With our wedding being in the Fall, the whole pumpkin theme seems so applicable. And our hashtag/theme is Happily Ever Hans….so it was honestly so perfect.
My sweet sister wanted to surprise me, so I had absolutely no idea what the shower and day would look like. All I knew was that she was hosting it at our house and that I would have NO hand in the planning. SO sweet.
DISCLAIMER: I didn’t do my Blogger Duty of taking pictures of everything. So, trust me when I say this, it was beautiful. I thought my sister took pictures beforehand and now we are sitting here laughing because she only took a picture of the cake!
Like I said earlier, the theme was Cinderella. I couldn’t have picked out a cuter theme! Rose gold is one of my favorite colors, so my sister ordered these super cute (and insanely affordable) decorations for the house that were sooooo on brand. The house was completely covered in rose gold and white balloons, Bridal Shower balloons, rose gold shimmer, BRIDE letter balloons, and pretty pink tablecloths. I can’t forget to mention the ADORABLE Minnie Mouse and Champagne bottle balloons that were floating above my designated chair for opening gifts. Oh, and the adorable “Photo Booth” backdrop with Mickey Mouse and an engagement ring for props!
My sister also printed out so many adorable pictures of me and Andrew and had them throughout the house. SO special.
Samantha (my sister) found all of the cute decorations from Party City and Amazon. That cute bridal sash and tiara I was wearing? SO affordable and I’m shocked by the amazing quality. It came in a pack with other rose gold decorations and THEY’RE ALL PERFECT. We are so impressed by the quality and how it all turned out (definitely wearing for my Bachelorette!).
PRO TIP: She ordered a lot of the balloons online and then just went to Party City the day of to have them blown up!


For food and drinks, my sister had McAlister’s catered! SO yummy. We had mini sandwiches, these amazing turkey wraps, and a veggie tray. Additionally, she had some pink m&ms and blue milk-chocolate balls she got from Party City. Sitting out on a tray were delicious powdered donuts that were an instant hit. My sister also got some sweet tea and then tons and tons of yummy Rose wine! The wine was served in these gorgeous gold sparkly champagne flutes….stunning!
Andrew’s sister (also one of my wonderful Bridesmaids) loves to bake, so she so Kindly offered to make a cake! It was a yellow cake with blue frosting for Cinderella! My sister got this cute cake topper (gold sparkle from JoAnne’s) that said Happily Ever After….I melted!
As far as activities go, we had such a fun time. Again, I had no idea what my sister had planned, so I had NO idea what to expect! She also ordered these super cute (and affordable) Bridal Shower game cards that were such a hit. Games like, “He said She said” (who said it first) and “Who Knows the Bride Best”. They were so much fun and gave us lots of laughs.
My sister also handed out a card of “marriage advice” for the guests to write for me and then a favorite memory card that turned out to be super sentimental. It was so fun reading those after and reflecting on all the fun memories I’ve had with each of them.
After the lighthearted games, we then opened up gifts! That was, of course, super fun and just so humbling. I am so thankful for everyone’s love and support and CAN’T WAIT to be married!

Okay….. can I just say how STRESSED I was about getting a Bridal Shower Dress? I know that sounds silly to some, but I am just so picky. I looked at all the popular places like Nordstrom, Lulus, Red Dress, EVERYWHERE. I finally found this super cute website that is totally and 10000% my style…ha! Don’t you love when that happens? I was nervous to try them out because they’re not in Texas, so obviously I couldn’t go in store to try on anything. But…we all know I like online shopping better anyways! I ordered a couple different dresses and just fell in love!
My Bridal Shower Dress is just what I wanted. Girly, looks high fashion, fun sleeves, 3D detail, and different than what I always see! I felt SO cute wearing this and just loved everything about it. I’m linking it below (comes in a few colors, too) as well as a few others!

Thanks for reading! I love you SO much and am beyond thankful for this community.